These Are the Top 5 Essential Oils – Learn Their Uses & Benefits!

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By: Meredith Witthar | Victor Padilla Posted: 9:48 AM, Oct 4, 2018 Updated: 2:44 PM, Mar 14, 2019

There’s cooking oil, engine oil, crude oil – but none of ’em smell very good. That’s why we have essential oils! And they’re super popular, with sales expected to hit $12 billion by 2022. But how are we really supposed to use ’em? And which ones do we use? We spoke with wellness educator Karyn Hendricksen who shared five essential oils everyone should keep stocked at home.


1. Peppermint


Peppermint essential oil can be used for in a variety of ways. Applying it topically can help alleviate muscle soreness and headaches. Internally, you can swish it around your mouth for fresher breath. And, aromatically, use some in your diffuser for a stimulating scent to boost attention and focus.


2. Lemon


Lemon essential oil is cold-pressed from the peel where all the nutrients live. Karyn’s favorite way to use lemon oil is in the morning for detoxing the gut. Just add three to four drops to four ounces of warm water and sip away! Lemon oil can also be used to clean fruits and vegetables by soaking them in a solution of water and oil.


3. Lavender


Lavender oil can be very calming and helps support sleep and relaxation. Use it topically, rubbed on the bottoms of the feet or behind the neck. You can also use it to help soothe and heal cuts, bruises, and bug bites.


4. Rosemary


Rosemary is an excellent oil that encourages focus and attention. Karyn says she loves adding it to her diffuser while working to promote alertness and productivity. You don’t just have to smell this stuff – you can eat it, too, by adding some as a spice substitute to cooking. Yum!


5. Frankincense


Frankincense is considered the “king of all oils”. This oil can be used for almost anything, but it’s especially useful for supporting memory and uplifting the mood. It can also be added to fractionated coconut oil for an excellent skin moisturizer on the face body!


Remember, essential oils are potent so less is more. It’s always a good idea to do your own research or find someone to support you in your journey. If you’re questioning how to use oils or would like to get started, contact Karyn at Have fun oiling!