How to Ask for a Raise at Work: 4 Ways to Get a Salary Increase & Job Promotion

Lifestyle The List
By: Lindsey Granger Posted: 5:09 PM, May 3, 2018

Itching for a pay increase at work? According to LinkedIn, June and July the two best months to get a raise! Asking for a salary increase can be nerve-wracking, but it doesn't have to be.  Career coach Teresa Maher has a few tactics to help you score your next promotion.


1. Practice in the Mirror


The first tip on our list is practicing in front of the mirror. “It's probably one of the most awkward things in the world,” admits Teresa, “but body language is an incredibly important part of these discussions.” Doing this will help you become aware of whether or not you're smiling, stiff, or even looking concerned throughout the meeting. “You can even record yourself and watch it back as well,” she suggests. You can even go as far as throwing on the clothes you would wear to the interview – make it as real as possible!


2. Focus on What You Deserve


Once you have your presence down pat, focus on what you deserve. It's smart to leave your personal baggage at the door. “Anything about personal or emotional reasons is not really appropriate,” warns Teresa. “This is meant to be a discussion about how you've added value to the organization, and you're requesting compensation for having done so.” Have a list of accomplishments that show you went above and beyond your job description. And if your raise is approved, make sure to be prepared! “They might just turn to you and say, how much are you requesting? And you better know.” Websites like Payscale and Glassdoor are great resources to find out the average compensation for any position.


3. Don’t Stop at “No”


And, finally, if things don't go your way, don't stop at no! “The first thing I would ask is why? And ask in a very respectful and inquisitive way of understanding where you stand,” advises our expert. Theresa says to get a follow up meeting on the calendar to discuss your growth over the next few months.


And, remember, money isn't the only way to increase your value in an organization. “Figure out what sort of perks work for you that would really add value to yourself as an employee,” adds Teresa. You might now have extra money in your pocket, but perhaps you have more time at home, or more benefits covered that you used to pay for out of pocket.


4. What NOT to Say


Now that you’ve learned what to say, it’s important to know what not to say when asking for a raiser. First and foremost, never say that you are “owed” anything. You want to demonstrate how you’ve added value to your company, but saying you are “owed” a pay increase will put on your employer on the defensive. Next, never compare yourself to your co-worker. This conversation is about you, and comparing yourself to cohorts makes you look unprofessional. Also, never threaten to leave – especially if you aren’t serious or prepared to leave. You might risk your job wanting to part ways right then and there. Lastly, never expect to get a raise because you “did your job.” Remember, this conversation is about how you’ve gone above and beyond your call of duty, and how your salary should align with that. If all you’ve done is “your job”, then your boss could say that all you deserve is your current salary.


Got any salary negotiation tips to share? Sound off in the comments below!


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